Sunday, 15 March 2009

Contextual Research

I've started to dwelve into what the professional applications of street organ building are.
On a very straight forward link there are a multitude of Organ builders and kit sellers. (Links to which you can find on the righthand side) Everything from the very prosesional crafts man to the novice who is following the same plans which I am, seam to be making a bussines from selling organs. There are also lazer cut kits and parts for sale.

This site I found of parlitular interest:

So you can even buy hand carved wooden minitures for the front of your hand made organ. This leads me on to start an investigation into how the front of traditional organs are made.

This site sells Organs using the same plans as I am using for $3750. So there is a market for this item!


Bernard said...

I hope this group have permission from John? You see each set of plans comes with the right to build ONE organ.

Roseanne said...

I'm not sure. I did think that it must be hard for John Smith with so many people on the internet to keep copyright of his design. Like what about Castle organs? Who make lazer cut Organs to the same plans?

Part of my project research has to include future business research and where this sort of "item" would be sold or used. It could be used in a film of course or as an art piece.