Sunday, 19 April 2009

Bellow pressure 2

I had to rip into the bellows. This really set me back. The bellow cloth was compleatly destroyed. I talked to many organ builders on the internet to get there advice and was told this was the best action to take after cheacking everything. I had to buy new bellow cloth. I couildn't order the stuff I did before as it would take to long. Luckily I was told I could find and use black out cloth from most fabric shops.

I found that one of the valves had been stuck under the reservior.

Some of the styrene stiffeners had come off. I didn't want to take any chances so I set about making all new card stiffeners which would stick better and be less likely to rub on the fabric. I also desided to re make all the valves using a new method I had learnt.

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