Sunday, 19 April 2009

The First Play

After spending some time trying to tune the whistles with a piano I went out and brought a tuner which I found much more accurate. This is the first play of the organ.


reservoir said...

Hi Roseanne,
Your organ sounds great,if i can give you a few tips,
No1 I notice that you have made the handle as per the plans with about a 4inch throw, it would make it easier to turn if it had a 6inch throw.
To get rid of the squeeks use powdered Graphite do not use oil as this soakes into the wood.

Did you cut the music yourself if so well done!!

reservoir said...

Sorry, what i meant about he graphite is use it on the bearings and the top of the conecting rods

Roseanne said...

Thank you so much. The more tips the better. =)

Due to time I didn't cut the music myself. Although I think I'll try over the summer. The handle is even shorter than that I think. I fell in love with some gramophone handles and used that.

I think she sounds a little shrill? I'm a complete perfectionist though. I'm very pleased. It was incredibly ambitious to make a whole organ in 4 months after all. I hand it in on Friday, I can't wait to see the look on my teachers face. He's really been looking forward to seeing it. Most people on my course make models of houses or giant mobile phones.

Bernard said...

Wonderful....Well done.
It is a shame you had to work against the 'clock' so to speak.
You can always go back and tweek things later.
I was amused to see your cat leave the room.....mine do just the same!
I arrange all my own music so if you want any tips, let me know.
You cannot buy paper in the right width, so we have to cut it down to size. I have been using Fax rolls for years but we have now located a firm who sell 'Till rolls' of different sizes. I was going to do a series on my blog about arranging, but thought other visitors would get bored if it got too technical? Do you read music?
Sorry ....too many questions.

Roseanne said...

Luckily my parents had the sense to make me go to recorder and clarinet lessons until I was 16. So I can now read music which is very helpful. I would like to pick up the clarinet again (its been 6 years!) but with a more exciting teacher. I love 1920's jazz, swing, and gypsy music so it would be great to play it.

I don't know if your new blog will be boring until I read it really. =)

Right back to painting the front.

Bernard said...

I'm not starting a new blog.
It's just that I found no or very little help in learning how to arrange music for these small organ scales. You have to admit that 20 notes or 26 notes are not many to have to produce a good arrangement.
I learnt by trial and error and I have a big box of errors (rolls that don't sound right) so I would love to help others avoid these pitfalls.